If you want to read it, send me an email at alicat122333@gmail.com
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Benji and Me- A Picture Prompt
So I found this website that gives picture prompts, and I'm posting the one I did. Hopefully there will be more to come.
There it was again. That dog, a golden lab, some people called it, was in front of my house again.
“Ma!” I called. “Ma, that stray’s in front of the house again. Can we keep ‘im?” My ma never answered me, only ran out to the porch and hollered at it, telling it to scram. But today she held the broom from her sweeping of the house. “Ma? What’re you doin’ with that broom?” She still ignored me, and ran to the porch, waving the broom like nobody’s business. The poor stray ran away from her, tail between its skinny little legs. “Ma, can we feed it if it comes again? It’s goin’ to die if we chase it away like everybody else.” She just shook her head and shooed me out the door to catch the ratty old bus to school.
Easter Already?
Have you ever noticed that months before a holiday, stores start pulling out stuff for it?
Seriously, when it's not even the second week of summer vacation, I don't need back-to-school supplies. When I am shopping for back-to-school clothes, I don't need a Halloween costume. When getting Christmas gifts for my family, I don't need Easter baskets.
And then what happens? What happens is that when my brother needs flip-flops, Target is selling snow boots. When I need a sweater, there's tank tops on display. So my family buys less and less from Target, and more from places that know how to read a calendar.
The worst part is that people are getting used to it! But I'm never going to. No, I will not be giving out Easter eggs this October 31. No way!
What do you think? Tell me in the comments below!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
10 Random Things About ME!! :D
I have many things that a lot of people would never guess about me.
Here goes!
1. I am a competitive swimmer.
Ok, a lot of people do guess,because I always wear swim shirts and such, but if you've never seen me, it can be quite a shock. Seriously, it did shock a person. No joke.
2. I am a computer addict. I spend a lot of time at this old thing.
3.If I were a superhero, I'd be called 'The Butterfly' and have wings and shoot lava from my hands and control fire. My sidekick would be 'The Lovebug'.
4. I do care how I look. I don't care what other people think of how I look.
5. I love unicorns. *Pokes previous entry*
6.I'm a bit immature at times, but that can be one of the best parts about me.
7. I have a passion for writing and reading.
8. I have a spazzy dog.
9. I love emoticons like :) :D :( --:o)
10. I change things writings anything I'll be posting publicly about a bazillion times.
:) That's it!
Monday, July 11, 2011
I was thinking about random stuff today...
One of the things I thought about was unicorns.
I always wanted one. Who hasn't? I mean, what girl hasn't.
But what exactly is a unicorn?
I think it's a white horse with a horn like a narwhal's.
I think it's a white horse with a horn like a narwhal's.
Here's what Wikipedia has to say.
"The unicorn is a legendary animal commonly portrayed as a white horse with a goat's beard and a large, pointed, spiraling horn projecting from its forehead...it became the most important imaginary animal of the middle ages and Renaissance when it was commonly described as an extremely wild woodland creature, a symbol of purity and grace.... In the encyclopedias its horn was said to have the power to render poisoned water [drinkable] and to heal sickness. Until the 19th century, belief in unicorns was widespread among [many people]."
Alrighty then! Wikipedia knows more than me.
But I got truly interested.
Here are some pictures of Unicorns.
Lost Unicorn.
Cakey Unicorn
Charlie the Unicorn.
Helpful Unicorns.
Momma and Baby Unicorns.
Origami Unicorn.
Smiley Face Unicorn
They're everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's all!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Writer's Block
Title to Come (Writer's Block)
Writers block comes and
Words tiptoe
the searching and waiting minds
And sneak
into the u n s u s p e c t i n g minds
of others
sometimes writers
b l
is in for a f l a s h
and disappears just as quick
but it can also
inch on by
with a sluglike flow
s e e m t o h a v e i t
Poetry: Lost
I had been walking
and roaming around
I once was lost
But now I am found
The world is my household
Welcome and come on in
My pets are wild
with fur, feather, and fin
No paintings of nature on the walls
The truths aren't hidden
Under lies and deception
With the reality deep within
At a new place
Lies are easily believed
So make everywhere your home
A comfy place
is where you'll never leave
I was alone
In this big giant world
I was so scared
and my stomach had curled
But when I discovered
The secret to smiles
I got right up
and walked around for miles
Everywhere's my living space
The jungle is my dining room
The forests are my kitchens
The skies are my bedroom
No paintings of nature on the walls
The truths aren't hidden
Under lies and deception
With the reality deep within
At a new place
Lies are easily believed
So make everywhere your home
A comfy place
is where you'll never leave
I was alone
In this big giant world
I was so scared
and my stomach had curled
But when I discovered
The secret to smiles
I got right up
and walked around for miles
Everywhere's my living space
The jungle is my dining room
The forests are my kitchens
The skies are my bedroom
I had been walking
and roaming around
I once was lost
But now I am found
I made the world my home
So I'd never be lost again
This was a totallyweird random poem. I have no idea how I came up with it...
It took me all of 15 minutes to make, so it isn't my best work.
Thanks for reading this!
I made the world my home
So I'd never be lost again
This was a totally
It took me all of 15 minutes to make, so it isn't my best work.
Thanks for reading this!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Poetry: Pretty
The Feeling of Pretty
When you feel pretty
You're confident
And you know
think you know
That for once
You aren't as ugly
as you usually
or know
you really are
When you feel pretty
You're on top of the world
Living in a kingdom
Where you're the princess
and everyone loves you.
When you feel pretty
you feel
and joyful
But you're vulnerable
When you feel pretty
It's easier for someone else
to shoot you down
Rip your heart out
Make you bleed inside
When you feel pretty
You can be confident
And show that
That you don't care
Hide your bleeding
Grow a new heart.
When you feel pretty.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Dear Diary: Lost Artifacts Brought up From the Past
You're digging around in a box from when you were little.
All of a sudden, you come across a battered notebook.
Opening it, you find scrawls of your childhood.
This isn't an archeological dig finding...
Unless your attic is a dig site.
I was talking with my friend the other day, and she looks at me and says, I found a journal from when I was a kid. I was really messed up! When I asked her what she meant, she replied, Oh, just pages and pages of 'I hate my dad, I hate Sarah(Her little sister)' But, nothing about my mom. I loved my mom. I also had drawings of my dad and sister getting killed or laughed or something else bad happening.
So that got me thinking. What if I was messed up as a kid, too?
So I found a journal. Not much, but it was filled with stories a couple pages in, then suddenly ended, then a new one started. And so the cycle continued.
Not only that, all the characters had names like Nellie Narkinesianalmiothyoulinkjusher or something.
I was weird.
![]() | ||
I picniked this!! If you can read the words, it's funnyish. |
Saturday, May 14, 2011
A Swimmer's Typical Saturday
I Am A Swimmer
I'm writing this so other people know why I'm so tired all the time.
People who don't see me after one of these, I'm pretty tired.
Let me tell you why.
Wake up= different times. Today was 6:00, so not too early.
Get dressed in a swimsuit that squishes your shoulders(I am a girl...).
Pack a giant bag with food and clothes and 2 towels, like you are going on a trip to a beach a billion miles away.
Get in the car.
Drive for an hour or so, but not enough time to catch a few Z's.
Involuntarily jump into a pool that feels like they just scooped the ice out and swim a warmup.
Swim 1-5 races during a meet anywhere from 3-6 or 7 hours.
After each race, talk to a coach about it, then dash to your soaking wet towel, grabbing a slurp of Gatorade and a handful of whatever snackies you brought.
Drag yourself home.
Do It Again On Sunday...
Do It Again On Sunday...
I love to swim!! :)
I was experimenting with font colors... :)
And, seriously, swimming is super fun. It isn't all fun and games, but you get a sense of accomplishment and a great workout. So, please, don't think I was ranting. I just wanted to get it out there.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Top 8 smells
1. Brownies baking in the oven.
2. Freshly mowed grass.
3. The world after a rainstorm.
4. Method sweet water soap.
5. My dog.
6.Chocolate milk.
7. My orange air freshener.
8. New shoes!
2. Freshly mowed grass.

4. Method sweet water soap.
5. My dog.
6.Chocolate milk.
7. My orange air freshener.
8. New shoes!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Feel the warmth in your hair
Turn crisp in the glare
Mister Sun
Keep alive
His work is never done
Yellow too
I never see colors like
Or blue
Up there
In the big blue sky
Now the
nighttime's here
So I say goodbye
Bye, Mister Sun!
Inspired by the recent heat that has popped up in my area
Feel the warmth in your hair
Turn crisp in the glare
Mister Sun
Keep alive
His work is never done
Yellow too
I never see colors like
Or blue
Up there
In the big blue sky
Now the
nighttime's here
So I say goodbye
Bye, Mister Sun!
Inspired by the recent heat that has popped up in my area
English: Thoughts or Not?
So, in English, we are studying poetry. I used to be able to, in school, write poetry about anything, all my thoughts. Now, the class follows strict subjects like Summer or an animal inside me. When I asked the teacher if we would be writing a poem on a topic we would choose, she shook her head, no. So, my question today is: why spend all of class writing answers to open-response questions and following strict guidelines instead of letting the class' imagination run wild like a herd of horses, instead of letting emotion flow like a river from deep inside their souls?
If there was at least one free-topic poem or story, I would be satisfied. I raised this point to the substitute who stood in for the teacher(who, by the way, delivered a fine baby boy recently) and, she told me that she has lesson plans to follow, but that she might, just maybe, be able to squeeze one in.
I am a writer who, when given guidelines, can follow, but when allowed to run wild, paints a vivid, detailed picture instead of the pencil sketch of a guided writing assignment. This is part of the reason I decided to begin blogging. I have notebooks filled with stories(not many with endings, though) and a folder of tales on my computer. I would have an awesome grade in English, if only I could put my own feelings in.
So, English: Thoughts, or Not?
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