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Thursday, July 14, 2011

10 Random Things About ME!! :D

I have many things that a lot of people would never guess about me.
Here goes!
1. I am a competitive swimmer. 
Ok, a lot of people do guess,because I always wear swim shirts and such, but if you've never seen me, it can be quite a shock. Seriously, it did shock a person. No joke.
2. I am a computer addict. I spend a lot of time at this old thing.
3.If I were a superhero, I'd be called 'The Butterfly' and have wings and shoot lava from my hands and control fire. My sidekick would be 'The Lovebug'.
4. I do care how I look. I don't care what other people think of how I look.
5. I love unicorns. *Pokes previous entry*
6.I'm a bit immature at times, but that can be one of the best parts about me.
7. I have a passion for writing and reading.
8. I have a spazzy dog.
9. I love emoticons like :) :D :(  --:o)
10. I change things writings anything I'll be posting publicly about a bazillion times.

:) That's it!

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