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Monday, December 3, 2012

Annoying Typers... and Koalas! @(・●・)@

it's a koala, guys. A koala.
I changed the linky thing a while back, so now to continue reading you have to click on a frakking koala! 

Is that not the single most cutest thing you've seen in forever on a blog?
I think it is.
Click the koala that is highlighted blue. It will bring you to the rest of this totally meaningful post.
If you reached this post through a link you clicked on facebook/received in some other way, there will be no link to click. I'm so sorry. 

Is everyone here? Okay, let's begin!
Okay. Five of the things that annoy me online.
  1. People Who Type Like This. It Gets Really Irritating And Don't Tell Me It's Easy To Do Because Just Typing This Is Very Annoying To Me.
  2. PEOPLE WHO TYPE IN ALL CAPS or use a frakking huge frakking font because they're poops.
  3. People who overreact, both physically and verbally, to things that I do and say.
  4. ppl who typ n chtspk. it rly anoys me & i hte it soooooo mch. specly cz thy stl pt lts of os on thr sos.
    {Translation: People who type in chatspeak. It really annoys me and I hate it so much. Especiallt because they still put lots of 'o's on their 'so's}
  5. People with bad grammar whether its run on sentences or incorrect punctuation or sentence fragments. Because it irks me tremendously.
Okay. Now, you see how annoyed I get by everything. I didn't even include spelling. I could go on and on about spelling, make a whole blog post, make a whole blog, even. It's on the internet. There's frakking spell check.

Koalas make me happy.
@(・●・)@ <Thank)


  1. Have a parrot! No, really:



  2. yah i don't like it when i do that ether and to also have my keyboard keys stuck
